Deception | Be Free!

May 8 2022

Series: Deception

Think about this: technology has shifted the balance of power from nature to human beings. The world used to be an objectively authoritative place. Today, it’s filled with “stuff” we manipulate and use to suit our desires. This subtly undermines an important biblical ethic: the goodness of authority and virtue of submission. And it does so under the guise of, “Be free!”
Brian Dainsberg, Lead Pastor, looks at selected scriptures and:
1) Authority and Submission Are in Our Divinely Given DNA
2) Authority and Submission Does Not Devalue
3) Authority Is Divinely Assigned, Not Humanly Created
4) Submission Is Not Absolute
5) Relationships of Authority and Submission Contribute to Human Flourishing
May 8, 2022

To watch this message on YouTube click here.

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