Sunday Services: 9am & 10:45am

The Brian Dainsberg Podcast

Living the Christian life in today’s world is complicated. This podcast will unpack some of the cultural issues we’re facing and how we can continue to “Fight the good fight of the faith (1 Tim. 6:12).”

Listen to the

Latest Message

That You May Know – Part 8

Pastor Dwayne Sommersell | February 9, 2024


Life Is Better In Community.

God Stories

#GodStories are about lives transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. God is a God of restoration, and he can use hard and challenging situations for good. #GodStories gives us a glimpse into the lives of others, reminding us that God is at work and has a purpose and a plan for us!


Have questions? We have the answers!

We have two identical services at 9am and 10:45am. During each worship service there is a live band to lead us in singing and a message from the Bible from one of our pastors. The entire service lasts about 70 minutes.  We also provide the option to watch the service on screens  in our lobby or to use our quiet “family room” on the north side of the worship center. Ask our helpful volunteers for directions.

Yes! Our Kingdom Kidz have gospel-centered, fun environments for infants through  5th  grade.  We also offer various classes during the year for 6th-12th graders. Check out our Student Ministries page for more  information.

We’re a pretty relaxed church, so feel free to dress comfortably and make yourself at home with a cup of our specialty coffee located in our Gathering Grounds lobby area.

We have Guest Parking spaces reserved for your visit. The spaces are located to the immediate left of the main entrance as you drive into the parking lot.

During the fall, winter, and spring quarters we offer an adult class at 9am or 10:45am where you can dive deeper into the Bible in a smaller group setting. Check out our Events Page

Stop by our Guest Services area in our lobby if you’d like more information. We have a “starter kit” for you which includes helpful information about our church and we’d love to meet you! Several times a year we also host a free luncheon for you and your family called Discover Alliance. You’ll have the opportunity to meet our staff and ministry directors and enjoy a catered lunch. Upcoming Discover Alliance Luncheons will be listed on our Events Page.