Meet Jesus – Part 2

January 15 2023

Series: Meet Jesus

Topic: Forgiveness, Jesus

Book: Luke

Scripture: Luke 4:14-30

Michael Richards, who played Kramer in the famed sitcom Seinfeld, severely harmed his career when he let loose a string of ethnic slurs on the stand-up stage. Years later, it doesn’t appear his search for absolution has proven to be fruitful. Yet many of us are quietly living lives acutely aware of our unrighteousness and desperate need for forgiveness. But who can give it? Join us to find out.

Brian Dainsberg, Lead Pastor, looks at Luke 4:14-30 and Jesus’ mission statement:
1) What he came to do
2) Who he came to reach
3) How he would be received

January 15, 2023

To watch this message on YouTube click HERE.

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