November 20 2022
Series: The Story
Speaker: Brian Dainsberg-Lead Pastor
Topic: Change, Fruit of the Spirit, Life Change, Sanctification
Book: Galatians
Do you want to see change in your marriage, your kids, or yourself? Do you… read more
August 15 2021
Series: Basics
As Christians, we live in a world filled with new challenges around every corner. How… read more
August 1 2021
Series: Basics
Speaker: Brian Dainsberg-Lead Pastor
Topic: Church, Church Discipline
Book: 1 Corinthians, 2 Thessalonians, Galatians, Hebrews, Matthew, Titus
The phrase “church discipline” is provocative. It sounds gnarly, even unpleasant. But when rightly understood,… read more
November 29 2020
Series: Too Hot to Handle
Why is there much division in the world? Why is there division in the church?… read more
April 10 2020
You are cursed! Why? By what? How do I get out of it? It’s a… read more