
Bulletin for September 6, 2020


We’re so glad you’ve joined us! New to Alliance? Fill out our digital “Connect Card” or stop by the Welcome Center in the lobby to find out more about who we are.

Today's Worship Service

Theological Bootcamp: Baptism and The Lord’s Supper

Pastor Dwayne Sommersell

Text: Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 22:14-20, Romans 6:1-4, 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 & 11:17-34

Sunday Mornings

Nursery care is available for newborns up to children 3 years old. Our nurseries are located in the Kingdom Kidz area. Please ask at the Welcome Center in the lobby for a tour or directions.

This Sunday, due to the holiday weekend, children ages 4 years through fifth grade will worship with their families (we have individually packaged activity bags by the Worship Center doors for you to pick up and keep). We will be back to our normal schedule next Sunday and offer age-appropriate, Christ-centered lessons for 4 year olds through 5th graders. Through active worship and small group time, we teach kids to see the Bible as God’s unified story of redemption and help them learn how to live Christ-centered lives. Pick-up and drop-off is at the Kingdom Kidz entrance where we have a child check-in and check-out station.

If you’re new or know you’ll be visiting and would like to pre-register you child(ren), please click the button below.

Sunday Mornings

Both our middle school and high school students are part of our Worship Services at 9 AM & 10:45 AM. Beginning next Sunday, September 13th, we will also offer a class for students during both the 9 AM & 10:45 AM services. Click HERE to learn more.

Special events will also be happening this summer for both Jr. and Sr. High students.   All our upcoming middle and high school events are listed HERE.

If you are new or know you’ll be visiting and would like to let us know your student(s) will be joining us or would like to connect with our Student Ministries, please use the button below.

Worship Though Giving

Our worship through giving as of 8/23/20 (budget year ends 7/31/21)

Church Ministries Giving:

Fiscal YTD Giving Received: $64,713

Fiscal YTD Budget: $77,872

Ahead/(Behind): ($13,159)

Missions Giving:

Fiscal YTD Giving Received: $4,780

Fiscal YTD Budget: $9,345

Ahead/(Behind): ($4,565)


Men’s Studies

We want to encourage and see men aim higher and farther than ever before. This fall, our theme is “Arrows.” We have 3 options to help you improve your aim in different areas:
(1) “The Art of Parenting” – helping you give your kids a solid foundation they can use for the rest of their lives.
(2) “Seven Arrows” – Provides simple tools to study and apply God’s Word to create a biblically saturated life.
(3) 33 The Series – Will help you pursue authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus during his 33 years on this earth.

Women’s Studies

Join Women in the Word for a study on the book of Jude (in-person and virtual options are available) or attend the Mom to Mom group which will be watching the movie, “Arrows,” and reading the book, “The Art of Parenting: Aiming Your Child’s Heart Towards God.”


We realize many moms will have older children home due to school Covid policies. If you pre-register your child(ren), we will be able to accommodate your school-aged children on Tuesday mornings for both Mom to Mom and Women in the Word. Register early for childcare so we can be well prepared. Please use the links below to register your child(ren).

Kingdom Kidz

Infant through 5th Grade

Please register your children to help us best prepare for them. It’s also a great opportunity to make sure all your contact information is up-to-date! Thank you!

Discover Alliance

Newer to Alliance? Discover Alliance is a 60 minute catered luncheon where you’ll have the opportunity to meet the pastors, hear about our vision, and how to get “plugged in.” Children are welcome!

Wanting to connect further?  Please fill out our digital Connect Card.

Needing prayer? Submit your prayer request.

You may also email us at info@myabc.church or call us at 262-375-2400.

Thank you for joining us!