Trusting God in the Darkness – Part 1

March 12 2023

Topic: Suffering

Book: Job

Scripture: Job 1:1-2:10

Pull up news headlines circulating at any hour and you’ll read about suffering. The loss doesn’t have to be death. You might be grieving the loss of your health or the health of a loved one. You might be struggling through a time of financial need. Suffering is a certainty in life. So how do we learn to trust God in the darkness? Join us as we jump into a new series on the book of Job.

Brian Dainsberg, Lead Pastor, looks at Job 1:1-2:10 and suffering from four vantage points:
1) How Satan sees suffering
2) How God sees suffering
3) How Job sees suffering
4) How you can see suffering

March 12, 2023

To watch this message on YouTube click HERE.

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