Bold Move Who?

We are Raising Up Current and New Leaders
and Gathering Attenders.
As a church, we are committed to continually raising up biblical, qualified, leaders as we multiply at every level. Currency, we are aiming for 2 pastors, 3-5 elders, along with 25 additional key leaders, and many more volunteers to serve and assist with the launch of Lakeside Alliance Church.
Jon Vallier will be the new Lead Pastor of Lakeside Alliance Church. Additionally, the church will be looking to engage a second full-time pastor to serve with the new church. Finally, the new church will have a team of qualified, male elders to care, lead, and teach.
Additional key leaders such as deacons and deaconesses will be needed to provide the ministry of care and support to this new body. However, leaders in every area of ministry will be needed to serve. Whether you’re equipped for serving with outreach opportunities, children, music, finances, or elsewhere, this will be a great opportunity to receive training for putting your talents and abilities into ministry.
We are gathering 150-250 individuals from Alliance Bible Church and the surrounding area to join Lakeside Alliance Church. Ideally, attenders and members of Alliance Bible Church who live in Northern Ozaukee County (i.e. 15 minutes or more from our current campus) will comprise the initial 150 person contingency to the new church. However, others from the area and beyond who sense God’s invitation to this work are welcome to join the mission of reaching the de-churched, distracted, and those who are distant from God.