Brad Harrison
My wife, Kim, and I, started attending Alliance Bible Church in 2015. We are proud parents of teenagers, Morgan and Gavin, and my family has been blessed by many ministries at ABC.
The LORD led us to Wisconsin through my career in Collegiate and Professional Athletics Management over the past 20+ years. I am a native, Michigander (Yooper ) and lived in Ohio, Utah, and Tennessee prior to moving to Mequon, Wisconsin.
Before the LORD reached me, I was very focused on “career”, and I found my worth in the “jobs” that I had. When I lost my job, The LORD showed up in a big way and from that point forward HE has been constant through my inconsistent career. HE taught me that my value is in following Christ and not the Jobs that man created for me. It’s been freeing to be defined by my faith in Christ and not by being defined by my job.
HE showed up every step of the way and we continue to be open to HIS promptings as we serve HIM at Alliance Bible Church.