Alien – Part 4

November 7 2021

Series: Alien

Book: 1 Peter

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-3:7

Jesus’ life was both repulsive and attractive. Some hated how he lived so much they eventually killed him for it. Others loved how he lived so much they devoted their lives to him. Reality check: this is how it will be for faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Join us and find wisdom and encouragement in the example of Jesus.

Brian Dainsberg, Lead Pastor, looks at 1 Peter 2:11-3:7 and discusses these points:

1) Embrace Your Identity as an Alien
2) Social Order Is Critical to Human Flourishing
3) Holiness Is an Evangelistic Strategy
4) Imitate Jesus’ Example of Suffering

November 7, 2021

To watch this on our YouTube channel click here.

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