Move – Part 14 | Extraordinary Movement

April 10 2022

Series: Move

Topic: Acts, Church, Revival

Book: Acts

Scripture: Acts 19:11-20

Our disbelief in God’s ability to perform the extraordinary keeps us confined to a small world. We play it safe. As we finish our study of Acts, we’ll explore a story that blows holes in that approach to life and inspires us to take a risk and step out in faith to watch God do what only He can do.

Brian Dainsberg, Lead Pastor, looks at Acts 19:11-20 and these thoughts:

1) Beware of Manmade Attempts to Manufacture the Extraordinary
2) God Uses the Apparent Triumph of Evil to Spark Revival
3) God Does the Extraordinary

April 10, 2022

To watch this message on YouTube click here.

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