Bold Move Why Multiply?

We are Multiplying Because of a Theological Conviction and a Spirit – Led Direction.
We believe that the church was made to expand. In the Scriptures, we see from the Garden of Eden to the Great Commission that God has been calling His people to pursue multiplication. Launching Lakeside Alliance Church is a large-scale example of putting this theological conviction into practice. Making a bold move at this time is underpinned by several key factors:
1. God’s Calling.
After much prayerful consideration our leadership believes that God is calling us to launch a new church in Port Washington, as a strategic partnership, to help reach more people in Northern Ozaukee County with the message of the gospel.
2. God’s Provision.
Alliance has experienced significant growth in the last five years in leaders, attendance, resources, and influence while remaining debt free. All of these provisions allow us to support this move. Stewarding these resources with a Kingdom mindset is vital. With a large and growing contingency of attenders and members already living in the northern Ozaukee area, we are well positioned to turn this vision into reality.
3. God-Sized Need.
When considering Saukville and Port Washington alone, there is a significant need for the expansion of gospel-preaching churches. Currently, of the 19,089 people in those two cities, only half of the population has even a slight level of engagement with their faith. That reality, coupled with the fact that there are precious few churches that hold to the authority of Scripture and preach the gospel in this growing area, reveals that the vision for reaching northern Ozaukee is truly God-sized.