May 31 2020 - September 6 2020
Messages: 15
September 6 2020
Series: Theological Boot Camp
Speaker: Pastor Dwayne Sommersell
Book: 1 Corinthians, Luke, Matthew, Romans
Why do people get baptized and take communion? Who are the proper recipients of them?… read more
August 30 2020
Series: Theological Boot Camp
Speaker: Brian Dainsberg-Lead Pastor
Topic: Body of Christ, Church
The Church isn’t a human engineered institution. It’s a God-created, supernatural reality. If you’re a… read more
August 23 2020
Series: Theological Boot Camp
Who is the Holy Spirit and what does the Holy Spirit do? For some, the… read more
August 16 2020
Series: Theological Boot Camp
How do we change? We all know that change doesn’t come easily for anyone, Christians included…. read more
August 9 2020
Series: Theological Boot Camp
All human beings possess an inescapable sense that if we were to be examined, we… read more
August 2 2020
Series: Theological Boot Camp
Speaker: Brian Dainsberg-Lead Pastor
Topic: Eternity, God's Love, Heaven, Hell
Book: 1 Thessalonians, Revelation
Hell and heaven have taken a backseat. Distorted notions of God’s love have eradicated hell… read more
July 26 2020
Series: Theological Boot Camp
Jesus is coming back. That is a sure thing. But He will come like a… read more
July 19 2020
Series: Theological Boot Camp
The dwelling place of God is paradise. We aren’t experiencing that at the moment. Why?… read more
July 12 2020
Series: Theological Boot Camp
People stare at beauty in art or nature for hours without giving a thought to,… read more