December 5 2021
Series: Alien
Speaker: Brian Dainsberg-Lead Pastor
Topic: Alien, Exiles, Humility, Leadership, Spiritual Alertness
Book: 1 Peter
Peter has prepared Christians for social marginalization, economic discrimination, and overall malignment. So what will… read more
November 28 2021
Series: Alien
How does the Christian persevere when he or she is faced with insults because of… read more
November 21 2021
Series: Alien
Speaker: Brian Dainsberg-Lead Pastor
Topic: Alien, Christian Conduct, Christian Living, Exiles
Book: 1 Peter
Imagine someone who has never heard of Jesus. They begin attending Alliance Bible Church and… read more
November 14 2021
Series: Alien
Speaker: Brian Dainsberg-Lead Pastor
Topic: Alien, Christian Conduct, Evangelism, Exiles
Book: 1 Peter
Jesus always intended the Christian life to be public, not private; to be practiced out… read more
November 7 2021
Series: Alien
Speaker: Brian Dainsberg-Lead Pastor
Book: 1 Peter
Jesus’ life was both repulsive and attractive. Some hated how he lived so much they… read more
October 31 2021
Series: Alien
Feeling discouraged in your faith because others view you as odd or as an outsider?… read more
October 24 2021
Series: Alien
Marginalized by society, alienated in their relationships and threatened with a loss of socioeconomic standing,… read more
October 17 2021
Series: Alien
Marginalized by society, alienated in their relationships and threatened with a loss of socioeconomic standing,… read more