1. What is the point of being a Christian on mission?
2. In what ways could you partner with what God is doing around the world?
13939 N. Cedarburg Road, Mequon, WI 53097
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1. What is the point of being a Christian on mission?
2. In what ways could you partner with what God is doing around the world?
4 Reasons the Resurrection Matters:
1. The Resurrection Confirms Jesus’ Claims
2. The Resurrection Illuminates the Most Important Aspect of a Church
3. The Resurrection Means Our Deepest Problem Has Been Addressed
4. The Resurrection Foreshadows Restoration Is on the Other Side of Brokenness
Four Aspects to Wilderness Life:
1. How We Get There
2. What It’s like
3. The Reason for It
4. How to Thrive There
The Worship Arts Ministry at Alliance Bible Church aspires to create environments that facilitate gospel-centered, heart level worship. Jesus calls us to worship God in both spirit and truth (John 4). We therefore long to see Christ followers display the freedom and joy they have found in their Savior through the adoration of Jesus with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength in our gatherings.
We invite you to join us as we come together to worship our awesome God!
Creating something special usually takes a team effort and the Worship Arts Ministry at Alliance is no different. We utilize various musicians, singers, sound techs, graphics and lighting techs on an ongoing basis. We also have various periodic roles such as stage design, carpentry, artwork, and drama. Even something as simple as making a meal can serve our ministry. If you would like to serve in the Worship Arts Ministry, we would love to have you. Training can be provided for willing hearts. If you are interested, please contact us.
To find a mentor tell us a little about yourself.
Let us know what’s going on and how we can help.
How we can pray for you?
Tell us in what way is God leading you to serve.
On giving page choose Benevolence Fund from drop down menu.
Current and future support groups are listed on our events page.
The purpose of the Care and Support Ministry is to facilitate the vision of Alliance Bible Church by being living examples of the gospel as we tangibly serve those in need and offer pathways back into community.
Over the years Alliance Bible Church has experienced many changes, but one thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to care for others. Our Care and Support Ministry is uniquely designed and positioned to assist those who call Alliance their home church. Through the volunteers and leaders in this ministry – people across the church receive help, prayer, and the love of Jesus as they find their way back into community with other Christians.
Although the ministry can’t help with every situation, Care and Support does attempt to serve with God-honoring excellence by:
Do you have more questions? Please contact Greg West, Director of Care and Support at gwest@myabc.church.
We are an active supporter and promoter of the Ozaukee Family Sharing Center. This community organization seeks to alleviate hunger in Ozaukee County with dignity and compassion. If you’re a resident of Ozaukee County and in need of food, please consider contacting them at 262-377-0634 x102 or visiting them online at www.familysharingozaukee.org.
Sometimes help is available without someone even knowing it. Download our free local resource contact sheet to see what services are available in this area.
… But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8
Part of living out the gospel is desiring to share our faith with others. As we grow in relationship with Christ, we desire to know him more and want to follow Jesus’ command to share the Good News of salvation to our neighbors and throughout the world.
Our Alliance family sends more than 700 U.S. workers to over 70 countries. These workers care for the sick, befriend the lonely, and introduce spiritually impoverished people to the One who saves and transforms lives.
Alliance Bible Church also has partnerships with international workers in 3 counties: Bosnia-Herzegovina, France, and Mali. If you’re interested in learning more about missions or are interested in getting involved, click the button below.
A wise man once said that, “The Glory of God is man fully alive.” If you crave a life of freedom and satisfaction, you don’t want to miss out on our men’s events and communities. We believe that when men live authentic lives grounded in Jesus Christ, they experience true freedom and satisfaction in their work, relationships, and other pursuits. Our groups are designed to promote discussion, receive instruction, and take action for the kingdom of God. If that piques your interest, then step out and register for one of our next gatherings.
1. The Setting for a Spiritual Awakening
2. The Substance of a Spiritual Awakening
3. The Summons Included in a Spiritual Awakening
We are a community center located in downtown Cedarburg, Wisconsin. At The Student Union (TSU), we provide opportunities for students, families and community members to make a bold impact. Whether it’s through our various local service opportunities that the whole family can attend or unique courses and events that students can participate in – down to the cup of coffee you drink – our location is a hub toward meaningful impact.
Empowering the next generation to boldly impact their community.
The Student Union (TSU) is our space for students to hang out in downtown Cedarburg, located next to the Cedarburg Cultural Center. With regular youth-friendly events (i.e. art gallery nights, open mic nights, etc.), a coffee shop, and lots of tables to study, talk, or play games, TSU is the place to be.
You can check it out at http://www.thestudentu.org/
(For those families who also have younger children attending AWANA on Wednesday nights, TSU is a great place for your middle or high school students to hang out while the rest of the family attends evening activities at Alliance.)
Kingdom Kidz serves infants – 5th graders. We believe that when kids truly experience the gospel, their hearts are transformed. We emphasize safety, gospel-centered teaching, and lots of fun to ensure that your child’s time in Kingdom Kidz is enjoyable and meaningful.
Let us know your children are coming by registering in advance:
The Early Childhood ministry provides care for ages 3 and under during each service on Sunday morning. In order to provide an age-appropriate environment, we have three Early Childhood rooms. The “1s” room is for infant to 18 months, the “2s” room is 18 months to 2.5 years, and the “3s” room is for age 2.5 through age 3. Both the 2s and 3s room will include a simple Bible lesson from the Gospel Project curriculum as well as music, crafts, and games. In order to provide a safe and fun environment for your children, we have staffed our Early Childhood rooms with loving and caring individuals who have gone through a detailed screening process. In Early Childhood, we hope to plant the seeds of understanding the gospel and the love Jesus has for people, no matter how small!
For children ages 4 years through fifth grade, we offer age-appropriate, Christ-centered lessons, using the Gospel Project curriculum. Through active worship, small group time, and fun activities each week, we teach kids to see the Bible as God’s unified story of redemption, helping them to learn how to live Christ-centered lives.
During the school year, kids ages 2 years through 5th grade are invited to join us for Awana on Wednesdays from 6:15 – 8 PM. Through game time, large group teaching, and small group activities, kids learn about God, memorize Scripture, and learn how to apply it to their lives on a daily basis.
For more details about Awana programs and what we have to offer, please click here:
When school ends, the fun begins! Kids ages 4 years – 8th grade can explore and develop their God-given gifts and talents at one, or more, of our many camps. From horseback riding to sewing to music and drama, and many more, there is sure to be a camp for your child! For more details and to register, go to: http://www.summeradventurecamps.org
Revolutions of the bright points that first defined him to me. And beneath the effulgent Antarctic skies I have boarded the Argo-Navis, and joined the chase against the starry Cetus far beyond the utmost stretch of Hydrus and the Flying Fish. five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. then, when he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. i’m neglecting my other guests. enjoy yourself, you’ll find the young ladies stimulating company.
With a frigate’s anchors for my bridle-bitts and fasces of harpoons for spurs, would I could mount that whale and leap the topmost skies, to see whether the fabled heavens with all their countless tents really lie encamped beyond!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue.
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Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show’s called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they’re going to make more shows. Some pilots get picked and become television programs. Some don’t, become nothing. She starred in one of the ones that became nothing.
Now we took an oath, that I’m breaking now. We said we’d say it was the snow that killed the other two, but it wasn’t. Nature is lethal but it doesn’t hold a candle to man.
Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show’s called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they’re going to make more shows. Some pilots get picked and become television programs. Some don’t, become nothing. She starred in one of the ones that became nothing.
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Steering from the Crozetts, we fell in with vast meadows.