Welcome to a life giving community where you can belong and be challenged to grow in your walk with Christ and others. Our Women’s Ministry is committed to helping you thrive. We believe that happens best as you are able to connect with other women who are pursuing rich, deep, gospel-centered lives. Through a wide variety of ministry opportunities and events, our intergenerational community of women offers hope and help to every woman who attends, whether you’re just starting on your journey of faith or are well on your way. We’ve saved you a seat, and we look forward to connecting with you soon.
Women in the Word (Sept.-May)
Do you desire to dive deep into the study of God’s Word with other, like-minded women? Then, join us for Women in the Word, which is held on Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings. Through both large group sessions and small group breakouts, you will be challenged to grow in your faith while building Christ-centered community and friendships.
This fall we will be studying Exodus 19-40 with Jen Wilkin. In Exodus we see God as our strong Deliverer who sets us free from sin and death. In this 10-session study of Exodus 19–40, journey through the story of how God shepherds His newly-liberated children into an understanding of what their freedom means: lives consecrated for service to God and to one another. Revisit familiar scenes and with fresh perspective, ask what these stories teach us today about how to live as those set free.

Mom to Mom (Sept.-May)
Mom to Mom’s mentoring ministry seeks to help build strong faith filled families with God centered Bible study. We are a mid-sized community of moms with kids of all ages which gathers year-round. We offer a safe place to share, receive support and encouragement, and grow under the instruction and mentor-ship of “further along” moms.
At M2M We begin our meetings with video teachings and then break out into our groups where we have small group discussions and support to encourage the hearts of our moms.
This year we will be studying Heart Talk. Here is a note from the author of the book: My prayer is that the material in this book will provide for you what it has already given many other moms:
-help in our parenting skills
-hope in the powerful God who gave us these children and is our ultimate Power Source
-heart-to-heart encouragement from one mom to another

Moms in Prayer (Sept.-May)
Moms In Prayer International impacts children in schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers, grandmothers, or any women to pray. Join us for one hour of praying scripturally and specifically for our children. We meet during the school year on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. If you have any questions, contact Mindy Meyer mmeyer@myabc.church.
Check out our events
Are you looking for a new way to connect with someone? How about coming to a party with a purpose? That purpose is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The connection team offers a wide variety of activities including our annual Christmas tea, retreats, garden party, and other exciting ways of connecting in a party setting where the gospel is always shared.
Check out our Events Page for upcoming Parties with a Purpose.

The Women in the Word Bible Studies
Download the digital copy of the study book by clicking on the image of the study.
Watch the videos of the teachings when you click on the corresponding button which will link to the YouTube playlist of each study.
Habakkuk: Yet I Will Rejoice in the Lord. By Stacy Pritzl
Our study of Habakkuk is about humbly approaching God with our sincere questions, trusting His goodness, and worshiping Him even when His sovereign responses are difficult.
Titus: Jesus’s Beautiful Possession: Learning to Live Godly, Zealous Lives for Him
God’s grace for His people not only saves us, it also claims us, trains us, purifies us, and makes us zealous for good works. Discover through Paul’s letter to Titus how we can live generous, faith-filled lives that provide bright ribbons of hope in this sin-darkened world.
Ruth: Our Faithful Redeemer – Finding Restoration in Him
In this delightful story we see God’s faithfulness on full display, caring for the broken, restoring what was lost, and providing hope for the future. Join us for this 6-week live-teacher Bible study, as we unpack the Old Testament book of Ruth and discover how this ancient story points to our own desperate need for a faithful redeemer.
Retreat Resources
2023 Women's Retreat
The sessions with Katie are now available to watch online.
Get Involved
Interested in finding out more about Women’s Ministries or helping with events or studies? Please fill out the Form (button below) and we’ll get in touch with you!